Guardian Ad Litem Form My name is:* And my email address is:* Home Phone: Mobile Phone: Home Address:* Street Address:* Address Line 2: City:* State:* ZIP Code:* Employment: Occupation; Schedule; Employer Name, Address, Phone and Fax Number; Are private phone calls allowed?* Education* Date of Birth* Name of Present Spouse Are you living with spouse? YesNo Previous Marriages: Name(s), Duration(s), Manner Ended Children of this Relationship: Name, Date of Birth, Age, School Name, Grade, Residing With: Children of Other Relationships: Name, Date of Birth, Age, School Name, Grade, Residing with: Have you, the other parent or your children ever been in therapy?* Mother - YesFather - YesChildren - YesNo If you, the other parent or the children have ever been in therapy, please provide: The Type of Therapy (marital, family, behavioral, mental health) and the dates/duration of Therapy: Are there any other pending proceedings in other Courts (juvenile, criminal, etc.)?* YesNo If there are other pending proceedings, please describe the nature of that proceeding and the Court location: This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.