Corporate Formation Form Name:* And my email address is:* Home Phone: Mobile Phone: Corporation Name: DBA or Trade Name: Do you plan to do business in any other state other than Illinois? YesNo Will the corporation operate on a calendar or fiscal year? If fiscal, give date Principal address of business. Street Address Address Line 2 Will spouse to be a shareholder? (Yes or No) and % of shareholder of spouse Spouse's full legal name: Spouse's Address Street Address Address Line 2 Names of initial officers - Indicate below: President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Othe Name and address of the bank the corporation will use Which corporate officers are allowed to sign banking documents? Date of annual meetings. (i.e. first Monday of January, etc) and location of annual meetings. Have you ever applied for a Federal Employer Identification Number before? If yes, name of the business applied for & the EIN assigned Your telephone number & fax number for inclusion on the EIN application Name of Director Address of Director Street Address Address Line 2 Telephone Number of Director Email of Director This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.